Hi there!
First of all we want to thank you for taking the time to read this. Black Riot was born in 2016 out of our passion for both: motorcycles and fashion, but most of all from our desire to build a place for the rider community in Hong Kong. We feel that bikes and fashion share some sort of an “art” soul, a statement in its pure form of expression. Just like many other businesses we started small but always aiming to that main goal of growing the community which we keep until today.
Many of you have asked …Why that name? The answer is simple and sorry to disappoint but it has nothing to do with politics at all, it came our from a WhatsApp group with my friends from Mexico and we took the word BLACK as something we associate with luxury, and RIOT from all of those who like to live by their own rules, this we think pretty much reflects the mindset of a motorcycle rider.
At BR we are always looking to bring you the best products available out there from brands that we identify with, from people we know, from people we love, making sure they will not only be cool but that will last.
Once I read a quote which said “Some of the best people I’ve met in my life is because of motorcycles” and today I truly believe it so, thank you once again for reading this and we are looking forward to seeing you at our place, stop by anytime, meet new people, share experiences, grow your network, put yourself at risk of “productive accidents” and if by doing this you happen to see something you like, well… we thank you from the bottom of our heart.

René Suárez
Ive always been interested in connecting communities around subcultures in one way or another. Black Riot is a means for collaborations within and outside of motorcycling for the purposes of creativity, innovation, and the preservation of its culture.